
Helping provide the missing pieces for success and happiness.

Our goal is to enrich our clients’ lives by helping them
learn how to help themselves.


Job Search Preparation

It’s important to have suitable clothing for job interviews and, once hired, daily attire for the workplace. Our wardrobe assistants help individuals select the right kind of clothing that is professional and appropriate for them to achieve their employment goals.

But that’s just the beginning. Workshops are offered to help educate individuals with interviewing skills, financial literacy, networking and more. Leads are shared for employment opportunities. Depending on the type of job being sought, we work with our corporate partners to provide job training or coaching.


Basic Needs Assistance

Securing the basics of clothing, personal hygiene supplies, household items and food are challenges faced by many individuals and families in our communities. Many agencies and organizations refer people to us for this type of assistance. We provide EVERYTHING at no cost.

If you’re seeking any type of assistance, contact us at 724-847-4400, or email


Flea Market in Our Warehouse

You never know what you’ll find! We also sell some of the items that are donated to us at flea market prices. Of course, any revenue from these sales goes straight back into our organization to provide services for those in need. Contact us for details or an appointment to browse.

Speaker Services

If your organization, church or service group is interested in learning more about We’re at YOUR Service, please contact us. Sharing what we do with others and spreading the news about our services is what we love to do!